Simple floating block script

This floating block is perfect for placing an advertising block or banner in it. To create a floating block (floating banner) on your site, you will need to connect the jQuery library. It is connected as follows: The block that will move after scrolling the page should be located inside the parent block and have […]

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Connect the jQuery library to HTML

I have already explained what the jQuery library is. It remains to tell how to connect it to the site (HTML) and show where it can be used.So how do you link the jQuery library to your site? There are two connection options: connecting to the file directly (via the official website) or downloading the […]

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Modal Window in CSS

Thanks to the great and powerful CSS3, we can create a modal window on pure css, without resorting to additional scripts, modules and plugins. Step 1. Creating markup for the modal window Here you can change the title of the modal window and its contents. Step 2. Adding a button to open the modal window. […]

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